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About us


             It all begun with the friendship of creative people'. We all came up with the same thought simultaneously to actually build a creative production house together called 'Nangmaewpa' in 2008.

             From since, we have been gaining many valuable opportunities and experiences from all of our clients and public criticism. we also learned from the diversity of circumstances such as unexpected changes, unpleasant environment and unprecedented complains.
             However, we all aware of those aspects and ready to provide the valid solution as appropriate as we considered.

             That is how we received countless trusts from our clients because it is how we try to
solve problem creatively and positively, which
will be advantageous for the long-term
method of maintaining the business of our

​Our philosophy about creativity combines with multimedia production, it defined as the one of art piece that not just contains beautiful appearance and waited to be observed by random people. Its requires another ingredient called 'Fun Learning Experience' within the final product we created. 


            Learning and moving forward by getting inspiration from ours will be our ultimate satisfaction for us to encourages viewer to know more about their surroundings academically with enjoyment.


            Whether English or Health, they are both important to us but the way to make them looks and sounds fun and entertaining is our duty.


            That is why we produced creative television programs relates those fields such as 'Doctor Smith' and 'Loukgolf's English Room'and 'Loukgolf Pop Quiz'. As we highly believes

'Learning simple creative ideas will be benefited hugely at the end.

            There are also a variation of creative ideas in other product's category as well such as Creative content on social media, Episodic Viral VDO Production and so much more to be found on our website. Therefore we would like to encourages everyone to check-it out themselves and somehow giving us feedback, which we will be very appreciated to consider your comments and also develops our future plan for creative production.

Our Vision

Our Products and Services

- Identifying the core purpose of conceptualization and creative production.

- Analyzing the specific target audience that will be emphasized as main viewers.

- Identifying the demographic sensitivities and facts in order to determine the acceptance of content.

- Developing the proposal of creative production and its treatment until finalizing.

- Considering the appropriate location, talent, wardrobe and prop-sets that well-suited to the content.

- Managing the whole progression with production team.

- Producing the creative contents that go along with viral engagement's plan effectively.

- Managing the USER INTERFACE (UI) and USER EXPERIENCE (UX) of the official site and application.

  (These includes programing, coding and designing)

- Maintaining both website and microsite's interaction such as updating creative content,

   responding comments and etc.

- Gathering the business innovation and consumer's insight researches that relevant to the concept.

- Organizing the entire creative studio production.

- Strategizing the planning progression that will be applied to digital marketing communication,

  social networking, online advertisings and search engine optimization (Google).

- Implementing the advertising campaigns in digital space, which will be cooperated with marketing


- Emphasizing on Strategic Digital Public Relation, which includes sourcing the social influencers,

   net idols, celebrities and bloggers.

- Developing the creative content as well as enhancing editorial design.

- Managing the social media platform, overall creative design and seeding's maintenance such as 

   web-board, real-users and fan-page.

- Organizing the entire creative studio production.

- Step-by-step planing from the beginning process until final execution of the event,

   which includes coordinating, finding venue, catering, lighting, monitoring and collaborating

   with staffs and team. 

- Providing the summary report.

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345/27 เฮดควอเทอร์ส เอกมัย - ลาดพร้าว
ซอย ลาดพร้าว 94 (ปัญจมิตร)
แขวงพลับพลา เขตวังทองหลาง กทม. 10310

Tel. 02-381-2464
Fax 02-381-2465

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